Tuesday 27 November 2012

Obsession by World of Seeds

World of Seeds, Spain
Genetics: Gilgit Valley x (White Rhino x Black Domina x Jack Herer)
Potency: THC 15-20%

Spanish company World of Seeds is comprised of a multicultural group of horticultural and biology enthusiasts with an interest in cannabis. As well as operating a seed bank, the team works on original strains, one of which is Obsession, the name of which gives you a clue about how much this crew cares about producing high quality strains. After many years of crossbreeding, the World of Seeds experts were finally satisfied enough to release this one to the market. They took a plant which held the genetics of three amazing strains РWhite Rhino, Black Domina and Jack Herer Рand crossed it with a Pakistani indica known as Gilgit Valley. Thanks to this m̩lange of pedigrees, Obsession quickly became a sensation among cannabis connoisseurs.

Highly resistant to all pests and with a majority indica influence, Obsession is an ultra-stable strain. It is best suited to growing indoors, where it finishes fully in 9 weeks, but can also be grown outdoors when it should be ready at either the end of September or the first week of October. The success of your outdoor grow will depend on your location, as Obsession doesn’t particularly enjoy colder climates.I If you’re in an area that experiences extremes of weather and temperature, you might choose to house your Obsession plants in an indoor garden. If so, ensure that each plant has a good position with access to a lot of light, even on the lower branches, and you’ll see some good growth and substantial flowering. If your budget doesn’t extend to purchasing a massive amount of bulbs or LEDs, store-bought or homemade reflectors can be put to good use in this kind of situation, as they bounce the light into parts of the set up that might otherwise be relatively dark. Obsession crops are usually great yielders as they are very resilient, and work very well in mild climates. Be sure not to harvest your crop too early and you should find yourself with a respectable stash of some delightful buds with a great aroma.

Flavorsome and very fragrant, Obsession buds might leave you totally devoted to them like an emotional lover thanks to their mouthwatering smell and wholesome taste. Once the pleasure of the taste subsides, the chilled-out high will take a gentle hold of you and cradle you into submission. A good choice for social smoking, the buzz won’t leave you incapacitated or overly introspective. This strain is well-suited to medicinal users thanks to its mellow but relaxing high which is a great elevator of mood and so combats depression.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Mr. Nice by Sensi Seeds

Sensi Seeds, Holland
Genetics: G-13 x Hash Plant
Potency: THC 20%

Named after Howard Marks, a British hashish importer and one of the most prolific contemporary cannabis activists, this strain from Holland’s masters of breeding, Sensi Seeds, comprises some pretty serious genetics. While the male parent, Hash Plant, is a direct descendant of one of the best genotypes to come out of the Hindu Kush region, the female parent, G-13, is almost mythical, such is the legend surrounding its origins. It’s the story that every stoner will tell their kids, the one where the U.S. government breeds an ultra-potent strain only to have a cutting liberated by a weed-loving lab technician, which then becomes the hottest property amongst the counter-culture stoners. We’ll never know the truth, but either way, the quality of G-13 has become famous in its own right, and its original pairing with Hash Plant was available in limited edition seeds in the 90s and was brought back to much celebration by Sensi in 1999.

These days, Mr. Nice seeds give rise to solid crops which won’t grow any taller than about 50 inches but can yield up to 100 grams of premium indica bud per plant. Expect flowering in about 60 days and be sure not to overdose them in the earlier stages of growth – just let them do their own thing! Also try not to over water the plant as it’s simply unnecessary and can only damage your grow. These plants love a lot of light, and the more you give them, the more they will produce for you, but be careful that the leaf tips don’t get too close to the bulb or they’ll burn. With such dense buds, it’s imperative to ensure that ventilation in your grow room is sufficient, and humidity is kept at 40% or below during the second half of flowering, as stagnant, wet air can give rise to mold inside the colas. Invest in more fans to ensure a good flow of air if you think this is a concern in your set up, and keep an eye on the humidity at all times.

Mr. Nice is a smoke for the heaviest of tokers, those who could take a whole cross-joint of Skunk without even batting an eyelid. The ‘double Afghani’ taste gives you the ultimate body stone and knocks you off your feet. Depending on your tolerance you might enjoy a few hours of lazy euphoria and a bit of couch lock, or you could lose all motor function and be totally Macraméd to your chair. Either way, it’s not the best choice for a rookie smoker, but the experienced will love it.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Auto Bud by Autofem Seeds

Autofem Seeds, Spain
Genetics: Lowryder x Big Bud / Hindustani

Auto Bud by Autofem seeds is a cross breed from a Lowryder x Big Bud male, which provides the auto-flowering genetics, and a Hindustani female known for her beautiful colors and extremely dense yields. This plant is heavily influenced by William’s Wonder (from the Lowryder genetics) and subsequently produces very dense, resinous buds. By utilizing Lowryder and Big Bud genetics, Autofem seeds has very cleverly created a plant with the positive characteristics of three of the greatest indicas ever created: Big Bud, William’s Wonder, and, of course, Northern Lights #2.

Growers should note that the plant is an auto-flowering variety, again due to the Lowryder genetics, and can be planted and harvested in a 60 to 70 day cycle with no change of lighting. Indoor growers can expect a harvest of 55 grams if they use 12 to 20 liter pots, 600-watt lamps and put the plants under 20 hours of light per day. This strain has been used industrially to great effect, but is also great for small, manageable closet growing.

Auto Bud nugs give a very enjoyable indica stone that owes a lot to its varied heritage. Expect a lot of Big Bud flavors to come through, along with an earthy taste and strawberry smell. Potency is high, and the stone comprises a degree of couch lock and some cerebral activity that sneaks in halfway through. These two play off against each other for a fantastic experience all round.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Bigger Pine x Bubble Gum by The Original Sensible Seed Company

The Original Sensible Seed Co., Spain
Genetics: Bigger Pine x Bubble Gum
Potency: THC 18%

The Original Sensible Seed company, now based in Spain, has a very rich and interesting history and has been supplying growing equipment and seeds since the early 90s. A favorite early strain, Bigger Pine x Bubble Gum comprises Colombian sativa, Afghan indica and Jamaican genetics to create a phenomenal plant. The Bubble Gum genetics bring stability and a sweet aroma to these plants and were bred with Bigger Pine, one of the Original Sensible Seed’s best bred plants. Bigger Pine was created from inbred lines of Big Bud and Super Skunk and was chosen for breeding due to its high yield and potency.

With an indica dominance it’s no surprise that the plants are short and bushy, with little spread and a strong structure. You’ll see the influence of the Bigger Pine line in the sizeable, pine-cone-shaped buds that look as if they’ve been pulled from a snow drift, such is the amount of resin they produce. The uniformity of your garden will speak volumes about the quality and stability of both parent strains, and if you feed them well and give them lots of light, you’ll be rewarded with an immense harvest.

During the curing process the sweetness of the buds will become even more apparent, and if you can stop yourself from shoving the whole bud in your mouth because they smell so good, you’ll find that a bowl of Bigger Pine x Bubble Gum is both delicious and highly effective.