Tuesday 27 September 2011

Babylonia Fruit by Vulkania Seeds

Vulkania Seeds, Spain
Genetics: Nepalese Landrace
Potency: THC 16%

Vulkania Seeds is a popular Spanish seed company based in the Canary Islands. Their Babylonia Fruit is an indica-dominant hybrid coming from a Nepalese landrace plant bred with African and Asian strains to create a hybrid renowned for its potency, yield and outstanding flavor. Cannabis enthusiasts have long known about the incredible genetic potential of Nepalese ganja, and Babylonia Fruit is a perfect example.

These plants are incredibly small and have minimal branching. This makes them not only ideal for an indoor grow if you’re tight on space, but means they will flourish especially well in a SOG set up. Though they can be grown anywhere, indoors is their optimal environment and, with maturation at around 7 weeks, you can expect flowering to occur between 55 and 65 days from germination. This makes Babylonia Fruit a great choice for those short on time as well as space. The ease of growing this plant also means that even a beginner would have difficulty ruining a crop. However, if you choose not to use a SOG technique, be sure to leave your plant in the vegetative stage for a fair amount of time to allow for maximum growth. Even a simple organic soil grow can be suitable for these plants and, with the right organic nutrients, they will grow perfectly and look utterly beautiful. Be extra sure to inspect for pest problems throughout the whole of your grow time, as nasty little critters such as aphids can take hold of and ruin your whole crop if you are not vigilant. If you do find any of these pests, there are myriad options to help you get rid of them. As ever, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The plants will never grow tall but they will grow wide and bushy, and it is then that harvest is optimized and your patience pays off. If you choose to grow outside, the extra space to stretch out will do them well and the increased room for roots will definitely help their vigor.

These buds may smell as sweet as sugar and even fruity when growing, but don’t let this fool you into thinking that this is an easy smoke for the newly initiated. The resulting high from Babylonia Fruit is almost narcotic and surprising in its intensity. Medical marijuana users find this a great strain to help ease chronic pain and anxiety and to induce sleep in those who’ve been suffering from insomnia, making it popular amongst that community. Even for the recreational user, its effects are much appreciated, so roll up a J, lean back and enjoy!  

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