Tuesday 9 April 2013

Auto White Domina by Kannabia

Kannabia Seeds, Spain
Genetics: Ruderalis x Black Domina
Potency: THC 20%

Kannabia, one of the first Spanish seed banks, has been breeding for a number of years and currently offers a variety of original seeds, including many auto-flowering strains. To create this Auto White Domina, the team at Kannabia crossed the requisite ruderalis with a White version of the selectively-bred Black Domina, which itself has Afghani, Canadian Ortega and Northern Lights heritage with a big dose of Hash genetics. Black Domina has become a very popular strain since its inception, and its White sister should do likewise due to its straightforward and reliable growth.

A tall ruderalis parent brings an unlikely height to this plant, which thrives particularly well in a SOG set up. Despite having a heavy indica dominance, Auto White Domina will look different to all the others in your set up and should be treated accordingly. A big central cola is surrounded by lateral branches and will take up as much space as you give it. While indoors, the plant will only normally reach around 3 feet in height, if you have the space to grow her outside you’ll find yourself face to face with a 6.5 foot monster. If you’re planning to clone your White Domina, this can be done 3 weeks from seed, and it might be a good idea to top the plants, making them bushier and with more sites to clone from. A breeder’s tip with regard to cloning is to take cuts 20 minutes after watering. Within 7 weeks these plants can be harvested, with a slightly higher rate of production if you can leave them a little longer. Either way you’ll get a good amount of resin and a lot of pointed, compact buds. Even an indoor grow will yield around 400 grams per square yard of grow space. The plant is mold resistant and doesn’t usually become the victim of the typical weed diseases. If you’re located in a Mediterranean climate try an outdoor grow, which should be ready to go around the start of September thanks to the enhanced growth speed that the bigger root expansion allows for. In either circumstance, pruning the lower branches will concentrate the plant’s energies into making that huge central bud even bigger.

You’ll recognize the Afghan taste straight away, but the hint of citrus might surprise you. They call this strain an “almost devastator”: the high is somewhat incapacitating, though bearable and even pleasant if your immediate plans don’t involve a lot of moving around or operating heavy machinery.

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