Tuesday 23 April 2013

Blue Rhino by Positronics

Positronic Seeds, Spain
Genetics: Blueberry x White Rhino
Potency: THC 16%

Positronics is a well-respected seed company that operates out of Spain. It produces a variety of fantastic strains, including the formidable Blue Rhino, a great cross between the ever popular indica classic Blueberry and White Rhino, a strain that is said to be almost narcotic in its high. These were bred with the intent of creating a sort of ‘super strain’ exhibiting all the qualities that a grower could want. To ensure that only the best genes were used, Positronics used an original Blue female from British Columbia famed for its sensory traits, as well as a high quality Rhino hybrid of Afghan, Brazilian and Indian ancestry.

As such, Blue Rhino plants have a huge central cola, massive leaves, and an aroma that is pure indica. It needs a lot of space to grow, whether that means a good-sized pot indoors or a nice bit of space in a greenhouse, but to really let this plant stretch its legs and fulfill its promising potential, it needs to be grown outdoors. With the White Rhino mother it can make a great choice for an outdoor commercial grow, but as ever, keep your eye on security at all times. These plants won’t grow very tall, as they are mostly indica, and won’t produce many leaves, meaning the buds will be nice and dank. The branches, however, are very dense, so don’t be worried about the lack of space between the nodes as it has enough strength to hold the big buds it will produce. If you’re really paranoid about it, you can use stakes to give an additional bit of support to your heavily-laden girls, but this shouldn’t really be necessary. Don’t be tempted to harvest early or you’ll miss the best part of the flowering stage – your buds will puff up in size and density right around the 9 week mark, increasing your yield substantially. The extra time is also said to give a more mature and layered taste to the harvested buds.

Though the size and strength of your plants are testament to the lengthy genetic selection process that the breeders embarked on, only when you light up your first joint will you feel the impact of such specialized choices of parent plant. The Blue family mother is present in the blueberry and gooseberry aroma and taste, and the Rhino father contributes the heavy body feeling and the woody hints. For the first hour you’ll get a pleasant buzz, which then slides into a longer lazy feeling. It can be a bit scratchy if smoked through a bong but the effects will be even more evident. Don’t plan to be doing much after this smoke.

1 comment:

  1. my first grow and this girl is doing everything they said,very big girl,and i can tell shes really not done growing,i have about another two weeks and this girl will be ready,i will definetly follow up with pics,just a beautiful lady.
