Tuesday 21 May 2013

Pennsylvania Purple by Unknown East Coast Grower

Unknown East Coast Grower, USA
Potency: THC 17%

Pennsylvania Purple is an underground strain circulating on the East Coast that is producing quite a lot of buzz both locally and internationally through word of mouth and online forums. Pennsylvania Purple is currently only available in the USA, but the breeders, who prefer to remain anonymous due to the draconian laws of their home states, are planning to tissue culture this cultivar in the hopes of making it more commercially available. For now, just remember that if you get the chance to buy a clone of this beauty or to take a puff on some of her buds, take it. She’s a great plant.

Produced by a collective of East Coast growers, Pennsylvania Purple is a 30% sativa and 70% indica strain that grows well indoors and outdoors. Outdoor growers can expect a dark purple coloration to appear naturally as temperatures drop and the plant matures. To get purple colors indoors, use Purple Maxx (foliar) nutrients, although a drop in grow room temperature can also induce darker purple colors. Pennsylvania Purple likes the cold temperatures of her home state, grows to about 4 feet tall, and works well in SOG set ups. She can also do very well in hydro grow rooms and in soil gardens, though amending the soil before you plant the seedlings can give her a great springboard to start from. As tempting as it is to shower these darlings with the best nutrients on the market, don’t go mad or you’ll ruin her natural beauty with nute burn. Expect a flowering time of 60 days and a time of 72 to 75 days for her to ripen after forced flowering with a moderate yield. Quality not quantity is the name of the game when growing Pennsylvania Purple and although the yield is low, even a handful of cured, dried nugs will have the most hardened toker weeping with joy. Bud this beautiful is always in high demand so if you get a hold of any seeds, you can land yourself a very lucrative crop.

Pennsylvania Purple has a smooth, fruity and sweet taste that has delicious tones of grape, as is common with purple plants. The high is clear, physically relaxing, and evenly matched between the mind and body, allowing users to chill out and be creative while they are stoned. Artists especially will appreciate this kind of high. The breeder recommends flushing the plant during the last 10 days of flowering with half a teaspoon of molasses per gallon of water to encourage a healthy, great tasting harvest


  1. I live in MD close to PA wish I could try this :)

  2. I go to Philly once a month and I have never seen this
